Thanks for a nice share you have given to us with such an large collection of information. Great work you have done by sharing them to all. Simply superb
I discovered your web site via Google while looking for a related subject, lucky for me your web site came up, its a great website. I have bookmarked it in my Google bookmarks. You really are a phenomenal person with a brilliant mind!
wahh,, penggemarnya zamal mirdad yaa mas?? hihi
BalasHapuswah keren juga nih mas, lmyan mrip juga, he...
BalasHapuskok mirip Jamal tetanggaku
BalasHapusvideo'y b'ulang2 mas....
BalasHapuskayanya ng fans bngt y sama zamal mirdad??
sama kyak papa saya, suka juga sama jamal mirdad
BalasHapusmemang jamal mirdad itu msih muda sangat di kenal..
BalasHapussama kyak papa saya! :d
BalasHapushehe lucu juga ya video'y, mrip tuh kaya jamal mirdad. hehe...
BalasHapusya nih mrip,,, mrip.
BalasHapusngefans bgt ya mas sma jamal mirdad
wahhh ternyata beliau memang orang yang hebat ya....
BalasHapuslumayan mirip mass..
BalasHapusidola jaman dulu dan sampai sekarang juga namanya masih di kenal
BalasHapushahaha idolanya empo ane nie,,, hahaha.....
BalasHapuskirain beneran...
ternyata klonengan yah?
I also just wanted to let you know that your blog looks great!!! It is very appealing & easy to read.
BalasHapusidola para ibu ibu nih,hee
BalasHapushahaha jamal mirdad nie...
BalasHapusngfans bngt sama dy y mas??
fto'' jaman dulu ya ..
persaan jamal mirdad lebih keren sekarang y daripada jadul.. hehehe
BalasHapuswah, keren juga ya. teruskan
BalasHapuswihh tu jamal mirdad berapa tahun yang lalu y mas,, jauh bngt dengan jamal mirdad sekarang.. hehe
BalasHapuswihh saya ngfans bngt nie m jamal mirdad.... hehe
BalasHapusmuka jamal mirdad waktu dulu dengan karang jauh bngt y? hii
BalasHapusitu jamal mirdad??
BalasHapusboleh juga tuh video'a
BalasHapusmantap nie mas sangat bagus nie gan...........
BalasHapusmantap bagus juga nie............
BalasHapusoke juga nie sangat bagus gan...........
BalasHapusoke juga nie sangat keren dan bagus.........
BalasHapuswah ini videonyaya bagus nih,, hehe
BalasHapusok nie
BalasHapuswahh..jamal mirdad KW super..hahahaha
I learned something today! Thanks! But I manage to include your blog among my reads every day because you have interesting,
BalasHapushahaha..jamal mirdad, mirip juga yak :)
BalasHapusdomba murah
Thanks for a nice share you have given to us with such an large collection of information. Great work you have done by sharing them to all. Simply superb
BalasHapusinfo yg menarik. tks
BalasHapusmantap gan. sukses slalu
BalasHapusmantap. artikel yg menarik
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