Golf Is My Favourite Sports

6 Juni 2009


f you ask me what is my favorite sports? I just say "Golf". Are you like this sport ( golf ) too? I hope so, because I wanna share about golf clubs in my area now. Golf is a elegant sport. Playing golf need a golf clubs, golf bags, golf balls, and golf shoes.

I joined a golf clubs in my area someday ago to start played with another player. Before played golf, I bought some equipment to play it, such as golf stick, golf bags, golf balls, caddy and golf shoes. All of them i bought at shopwiki. I search some reference there how to choose a golf stick. Then I take golf bags for my golf stick and golf balls. The golf shoes also specially use in golf field, couldnt another that. The golf shoes can out of order or broke.

I was looked like excelent golf player. And I have more self confidence than other player. The Caddy help me brought all equipment and followed me. Wow, I was looked the boss them.

Postingan ini dilengkapi fasilitas pengaturan jenis dan ukuran font.
Pilih dan atur sesuai selera agar nyaman di mata. Terima Kasih.

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