How To Improve Credit Score

27 Agustus 2009

Month of December 2008, I plan to buy a house for my residence with my family. After more than a month searching the house, yesterday I found new housing that is being built. I already visited the housing condition directly. After searching for information about the type of credit that I will use, my financial was currently less support to buy a house. I am confused. Then my wife told me something about credit repair. With credit repair, she hoped that I could buy the house.

Then I ask the help of a friend who is expert in credit repair services. Then I give my data about my financial condition for be analyzed so I can fulfill the requirements according to the stipulations of the developers. Finally, with a few modifications of my salary slip, finally my proposal accepted by the housing developer.

It was the first time I have the knowledge about how to improve credit and credit repair. In this case, the actual financial capability to buy a house credit is good. I’m spending a month is very small so I can get off the house every month. But the developer did not know about that. He only saw my total salary without saw my spending money every month. Next month I will stay in my new house with my family.

Postingan ini dilengkapi fasilitas pengaturan jenis dan ukuran font.
Pilih dan atur sesuai selera agar nyaman di mata. Terima Kasih.

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