What do you think when starting to create a website at the first time? get a free domain, free hosting, free bandwidth, free email address, free ftp accounts, etc. Then you try to buying a domain to make your site look professional. When your site grow up have thousand visitors, so you must have your own web hosting because free hosting no longer able to bear the bandwidth for your website. Some free web hosting companies will charge too much for extra bandwidth usage, they do not mention this cost.
With paid hosting service you can select the best suitable plan for your website and you have your own website identity, no advertising, no banner ads, no popup. Also you will get service you paid for. but, it is quite difficult to judge which one is better choice to host your website, especially cheap web hosting reviews. Web hosting is quite competitive market and if you search around the internet then you will find cheap web hosting service.
Its not mean that cheap web hosting provider always provide cheap service. The best think is finding about comparison chart of some web hosting that recommendated by many people. Here I am going to give your one reference website that provide full comparison chart of the best 10 web hosting sites, findmyhosting.com.

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nice post..thanks
BalasHapusvery helpful post..
BalasHapusaku njaluk pak...
BalasHapusaku juga
BalasHapusnice information..