Many industry outlets offer solutions for crowd control management, but just because a public place may attract a crowd. When the term crowd control comes up, it often has a negative connotation police being brought in to disperse an unruly mob, unhappy travelers being held up by airport security, things of that nature.
What the industry needs is a move away from the more negative crowd control. We can use stanchions method to decrease the effect. A well organized public location with proper signage, barriers set up to queue lines naturally, and enough space for people to spread out means that no matter how many people might pass through a facility in a given time, they never truly become a crowd. This is the key to proper public guidance.
So, what type of space needs a proper public guidance system? Is it needing a velvet rope? The truth of the matter is any public location needs proper public guidance. An intersection needs traffic lights or stop signs or even the barricade; a bank needs a roped off area to ensure that people who arrive get in line and are served in the order in which they enter; an amusement park need extensive barriers to prevent cutting in line for popular rides.
The crowd control management industry is generally dedicated to providing solutions for larger public buildings; airports, museums, and the aforementioned amusement parks. The key here still is to prevent a large public, a group of individuals, from becoming that negative crowd.

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