Dedicated Server - Web Hosting Primer

20 Oktober 2010
A dedicated web hosting server is where the customer gets the exclusive use of machine housing. In shared hosting, there are many users on a single server and there are limits access to many pre-defined resource on the server. A dedicated server has no limits, and allows for greater flexibility and control. Even under the dedicated servers, there are options for controlling small or large. It can be administered in whole or in part, by the customer. Tasks will be shared between client and Web hosting Company. Taking into account all possibilities, you have more options in terms of software and scripts for root access, reboot, and the selection and adjustment of the operating system.

As for the open source operating system will be like a free version of UNIX or Linux. It could also be a Windows server license or the Enterprise version of Linux with the media. What is the best depends on the size and type of housing needs and the nature of the server. A small company is with good reasons for preferring not to go into the OS, while medium and large companies prefer high traffic and safety problems, a more secure operating system. Dedicated servers can be divided into two basic types, managed and unmanaged. There is a wide gap in the middle, where the allocation of responsibility from one host to another, depending on the hosting package.
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10 komentar :

  1. Many big companies uses server hosting to help their database in storing, and managing as well as securing their data.

  2. thanks for share.
    good luck..!

  3. thanks for sharing..! nice info..

  4. thanks you verry much...! nice info.

  5. I Like your blog......
    Thanks for share......

  6. thanks ya,,for share,,! nice info..!


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