- Failure doesn't necessarily mean you fail but that you are not successful yet.
- Failure doesn't mean you gain nothing but that you have learned something.
- Failure doesn't mean you are stupid ever to try. It indicates you are brave, determined and have a strong spirit so be proud of yourself.
- Failure doesn't mean you will not achieve any success but it will take some patience.
- Failure doesn't mean you are finished but that you still have opportunites to start again and to try looking for something new.
- Failure doesn't mean God has deserted you but that He has a better plan for you so it is very true that failure will never cease to exist.

Postingan ini dilengkapi fasilitas pengaturan jenis dan ukuran font. Pilih dan atur sesuai selera agar nyaman di mata. Terima Kasih. |
true boss is the key to the success of failure keep trying
BalasHapusthanks for info may be useful
BalasHapusDo not despair because you failed to okay
BalasHapusGood sharing, Thanks
BalasHapusnice sharing
BalasHapusmakasih ya
BalasHapustanks for share ,, nice inpo.
BalasHapusQuote yang menarik, makasih udah berbagi
BalasHapusthanks infonya mas..
nice post,
BalasHapusthanks for share ...
nfonya b oleh juga nih,sangat bermanfaat.
BalasHapusterimakasih ya
good article...
BalasHapusthanks for share......
nice share....
BalasHapuskeep your blogging.........
thanks for share.. keep writing.
BalasHapusthanks for information,, nice inpo
BalasHapusnice Post...
BalasHapusThanks y dah share...
salam kenal..
BalasHapusthanks sharenya...
artikelnya bermanfaat.. salam hangat
BalasHapusartikelnya ok
BalasHapusnice artikel
BalasHapusgood :)
BalasHapusgood article...
BalasHapusthanks for share......
n salam kenal
nice Post...
BalasHapusThanks dah share...
nice inpo,thanks for share.
BalasHapusgood job
meski saya kurang paham tp saya ucapin "nice share :)"
BalasHapusga ngerti mas bhasa'a
BalasHapusheheheh :D
failure is the best teacher :)
ok deh mas
BalasHapustanks for share
BalasHapusok sip mas,,
BalasHapussetuju dgn indovision, failure is the best teacher :)
BalasHapusdomba murah
info yg menarik. tks
BalasHapusnice post
BalasHapussangat bermanfaat
terima kasih :)
nice banget
BalasHapusbermangfaat sekali