Twilight Express is operated between Osaka and Sapporo. This is the longest service operation train in Japan. It takes more than 22 hours to reach Sapporo from Osaka. (If you take other way, it takes 22 hours 45 minutes.)
When you use a berth or a bedroom, Japan Rail Pass does not cover any accommodation charges and even Limited Express surcharge either. Even though you have to pay lots of the extra on Japan Rail Pass, the experience on board will be worthy. First class hospitality, the beautiful scenery and the sunset on the Sea of Japan, will be very memorable moment in your trip.
Anyway I tell you that the extra cost, timetable, checking the availability and the types of accommodations.
When you use a berth or a bedroom, Japan Rail Pass does not cover any accommodation charges and even Limited Express surcharge either. Even though you have to pay lots of the extra on Japan Rail Pass, the experience on board will be worthy. First class hospitality, the beautiful scenery and the sunset on the Sea of Japan, will be very memorable moment in your trip.
Anyway I tell you that the extra cost, timetable, checking the availability and the types of accommodations.
Twilight Express will be discontinued in March, 2015. Now it is almost impossible to book for this train’s ticket. All tickets are sold out in less than one second right after on sale. Simply it is no chance to book from oversea. Please avoid to take this train and consider other trains.
sumber :
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